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For businesses located outside the United States, expanding your business focus to the USA is a bold choice towards growth and success. As you venture into the promising realm of the U.S. market, it’s essential to be well-informed about the legal and other intricacies that ...

Why Entrepreneurs Should Rely on a Trusted Advisor to Forecast What Lies Ahead Founders of startups and leaders of young companies have plenty on their plates. It’s tempting for entrepreneurs to focus their attention on immediate priorities. Others prefer to spend their time scratching their ...

Valuation of life sciences companies has been battered and the IPO window has closed, for now. But there are still plenty of strategic partners looking for promising new technology and life sciences companies to fill their pipelines. If you want to be one of them, ...

Are you overlooking areas of risk that may be lurking in the contracts you have entered into? Below are 6 commonly missed issues. 1. FAILURE TO OBTAIN A CONTRACT IN WRITINGLack of a written contract can lead to misunderstandings about what was agreed to – ...

Recently Phil Crowley was asked by Marianne Kolbasuk McGee, the Executive Editor of the Information Security Media Group (ISMG) to weigh in on data security measures that should be implemented by healthcare entities, research labs and other related facilities to help prevent and detect IP theft. Marianne was ...

Prospective business owners in New York and elsewhere may encounter a variety of challenges upon deciding to start a new company. For many entrepreneurs, one of the most pressing concerns of forming a business could pertain to the financial aspects of the process. Since the ...

The founders of a venture and the investors in it have a unique collaborative – and sometimes conflicting – relationship. Both want the venture to succeed.  The founders see themselves as the creative force moving the business forward.  They want it to succeed because of ...

Prospective entrepreneurs need to address many issues when they decide to start a business. Fortunately, they don’t have to take on these issues alone. They can and should find advisors who have been “down the road before” and know where the snares and pitfalls lay. ...

To attract the capital your startup needs to be successful, you will need to focus time, resources and attention on deliverables and milestones that are achievable in a reasonable period of time. High-tech investors won’t finance a science project. This doesn’t mean that your company ...

Many individuals in New York and elsewhere may feel that one of the most intimidating aspects of starting a business is the fear that they will have to go through it alone. However, this isn’t always the case, and building a support group early on could be ...

Nondisclosure, nonuse and noncompete agreements can be powerful agreements that protect your startup company’s confidential information and business prospects. In drafting these agreements, however, it’s important not to overreach. The nondisclosure and nonuse parts of agreements, when drafted with reasonable restrictions, can be widely enforceable.  ...

Creating a limited liability company or a corporation is an important first step in protecting your startup company from liability. If you stop there, however, you may not be so protected as you think. A corporate entity is a shield that protects your personal assets ...

While there is no statistical basis for the often-repeated claim than nine of 10 new businesses will fail, the challenges faced by technology startups are significant. According to a study by Bruce D. Phillips of the National Federation of Independent Business and the late Bruce ...

If you are launching a business, it’s important to protect your personal assets from the results of the business. You can do this by creating a properly constituted business entity. You should never start a business or sign contracts in your own name.  Otherwise, you would ...

Social media has touched and changed nearly every aspect of our world and lives. We are now more connected than ever, which has allowed for enhanced collaboration and awareness around the world. The social network has had a significant impact on the legal world as ...

The short answer is because your product or service will usually not sell itself. No matter how novel or revolutionary your product or service is, you still need to know if there is a market for it. The Basics Market analysis fills in these gaps ...

When starting a business, there are many issues to consider.. One of the most important is which type of business entity your business should employ. There are several different options, each of which will have implications on the legal structure of the business, the taxes ...

Welcome back! In part 1 of this series, we discussed some tips for entrepreneurs looking to improve their “hit” rate with potential strategic partners and investors. In part 2, we’ll explore the problems inherent in the following scenario: You’ve been working on your research diligently. ...

Technology is worthless . . . UNLESS someone can translate it into products or services that make a practical difference in people’s lives. Learning how to make that translation is the key to making your company more attractive to strategic partners and potential investors. Let’s begin ...